Wednesday, May 21, 2008


This happened to me a couple of weeks ago and I'm sure has happened to many of you too.

I was driving along the road/highway leading to Desa sri Hartamas and was stopped by a huge 6 team police road block and pulled over.

"FOR WHAT???", I screamed at the cops.

"Speeding, Sir. You were doing 94km/hr in an 80 zone.", was the response from the good officer.

Firstly, why they had an 80km/hr speed limit on a 4 lane, almost accident free, section of the highway was a mystery. (But that's something else la...)

Now, the officer steps up to me, repeats a "question" twice, "I will have to issue a summon for this, what do we do now?"

What was running through my head was...... the sicko bus & lorry drivers paying these guys off, unjust detention of friends like Premo, better things for 6 cops to do.....what the opposition are fighting for.....corruption free goverment.........AAARRGGHHH..... I snapped!!!

Yup!! I screamed at the officer!! "Why the hell you asking me what to do???? You 're the one that said I was speeding .......if you have to fine me...then do it la!!!!"

Well, I went away with a RM 300 fine when a 50 bribe would have done the trick.


I really felt the, "If the giving stops, the asking will." kind of thing!!!

Now I really want to report the whole thing and stop this nonsensical road-blocks at "pocket money" spots the cops set up.

Would also like to reduce that summon though.....hehehe!!


anfield devotee said...

Has happened to me on a few occassions. Me has the learned the best way is to look remorseful & when asked the inevitable,"macam mana sekarang" question, me humbly & sheepishly reply "apa nak buat, saya salah, tuan MESTI saman la".

So far, they have just been bowled over by me gracious manners & let me off the hook with a "lain kali hati hati ya" . . .

ps: The other way is to plaster yer car with PAS stickers & cultivate a Tok Janggut look as me friend did - they will think you some sort of guru agama or orang alim . . .

nanda666 said...

I did 1 better...I passed my IC no to my "pakatan rakyat" buddy who is sworn to fix the issue!!! hehe!! let's see how that goes!!

Unknown said...

I always end up with the summons - gedangit! even if I put on my best contrite puppy dog face and Bala's dialogue - grrrr

Now I got like 7 pending speeding summons outstanding ... brokesville here I come.