Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Chicken Rendang Recipe

Since I did mention that I'm into cooking, well....this is my rendang recipe that was even tested in Ireland!!!


1 Chicken
3 large red onions
5 cloves of garlic
1-2'' young ginger
4 sticks of lemon grass
handful of dried chillies (WARNING!!! Hehehe!!)
1 cinnamon stick
5-6 cloves
1-2 star anis
1 coconut (milk)
1 cup of grated coconut
1/2 cup of Soya oil


1. Soak the dried chillies in some warm water for 10 minutes. Then blend it.

2. Blend the onions, ginger, garlic and lemon grass and add to the chillies.

3. Fry the grated coconut (without oil) under a low flame until golden brown. Keep this aside.

4. Now.....we start putting it all together.

5. Fry the cinnamon stick, cloves and star anis in about 1/2 cup of soya oil. (It may look a bit too much but you can remove it at the end if it 's too much but if it's to little, your dish is @#$%ed and won't taste good)

6. Add the blended stuff. (Chillies, Onions, etc)

7. Fry until your whole kitchen smell like a food stall. (Kind of an indicator)

8. Throw in the chicken and stir well.

9. Pour in the coconut milk and add water (If required) to fully cover chicken. Add salt to taste.

10. Mix well, and let it cook under medium heat. (May take bout an hour to reduce)
11. When the whole dish starts to thicken, you have to keep stirring. (Otherwise the chicken would tend to stick to the pot. But do this carefully to avoid breaking the chicken up to small pieces)

12. When it looks almost dry, bring it down to low heat and add the grated coconut. Stir for about a minute.

13. TADA!! You have chicken rendang.

14. Serve when it cools down a little with a ice cold beer. (Taste better!! hahaha!!!)

Hope my make-shift recipe works!! Good luck!!


anfield devotee said...

Dear Mr Nanda, perut already making all sorts of noise. Looks yummy.

ps: May I humbly suggest you add some fresh tumeric & some red cili padi into the ground mix.
Also add a few daun limau purut as well as daun kunyit when simmering fer that added oooomph.

Happy cooking!

Winnie said...

Hi Nanda - yep we were the Irish testers and this is yummy!!!!

nanda666 said...

Hi Una!!! Good to see you've joined the blogging world!! hehehe!!

Bala -Increase in "cili padi" (The really hot chillis!!) causes an exponential rise in beer consumption la....yup...that happen in Ireland too!! hehehe!!

anfield devotee said...

hey bro, why don't you share some of yer vegetarian recipes with us.

ps: Want some pandi recipes ah?