Monday, April 28, 2008

Tioman Island!! Expand or not to expand, that is the question!

The new plan is to expand the airport to take 737's!!

The corals and beaches around the island are already in a sorry state so I have pretty mixed views on this.

Talking to the locals who run the dive centers and resorts, they seem to think this is good for business. These flights will bring in more divers, tourist with $$$, weekend golfers, etc.

The conservation guys, on the other hand, feel that all this development (The Marina. airport, monorail plan, road expansion plan, etc) will only cause further damage to the already suffering ecosystem there.
Malaysia somehow seems to have the development people at loggerheads with the conservation groups in most areas be it the national parks, beaches, turtle conservation, reef and coral conservation, endangered animals and the list goes on. This is the case in Tioman too.

As an avid diver, I do contribute to this entire mess too!! (All divers do...although some choose to ignore that fact.)
Directly, I use the resorts that have nice AC and hot water. (Knowing very well that a diesel guzzling generator is spewing out black smoke somewhere behind the kitchen) I didn't notice a sewage or waste water treatment plant anywhere on the island. (Did I ask or insist the resort had one?...hmmm...don't think so.)

Would I pay more for my stay and dives if the resort and dive center was Eco friendly?

Yes, but how much more will I be willing to pay? How much more will other "El cheapo" divers be ready to dish out?

Indirectly, I contributed to the further distruction of this island by supporting it's duty free status.....(I'm Indian booze is a must on holiday!!)

I also supported and used the fastest ferry and the biggest and fastest dive boats with huge outboard engines...yup....the massive diesel guzzlers!

A huge group of divers from MUW (Malaysian attended the ecodiver certification course on the island this weekend while I was doing my instructor course. I salute them. They will be part of a monitoring programme of our coral reefs in Tioman. My concern is that the group is surely going to report deterioration of the coral reef. Then what?

The Malaysian authorities are well know for going to extremes. Kick all resorts of Sipadan was their corrective measure there. Will that be the case on Tioman and every Malaysian island after we have initially screwed it up? Then wait a few hundred years for the corals to recover?

Dead coral?? or Live corals??

I guess we have to decide soon....

1 comment:

anfield devotee said...

Good point. Plenty to think about here.

Probably best to conserve rather than destroy. I mean we can't even stop ourselves from destroying Bukit Gasing la. What hope do your children have?

ps: Haven't seen you at me blog lately. Was looking forward to yer comments on the state of local footie. Do swing by.