Monday, April 21, 2008

Revitalised Blog!!!

Hehehehe!! With the help of blogger "Sifu" Bala....this blog is looking good. I'm still working out some hiccups in the photo department....but that's o.k right??? (Still got Facebook la... :) )

I was given a reality check on "Playing pool on weekends in Backyard"........ARRGGGHHH.....spend time with your baby girl...DADDY!!!! were the wise words from the Blogger Guruji !!! ... :P

(Since I can't actually play pool on weekends least let me lie on my blog la....HAIYO!!!)

So..."what's it like being a daddy????"...Well, that statement was driven home when I sent my parents back to Klang, after staying with us for a month, last weekend. Now it just Mary and me....and Baby makes 3. Conversations at home are now mostly about baby Maya's milk, sleep and the all important POOP!!!

You wouldn't believe the amount of books that people have written about babies and their POO!! Every FART is documented somewhere with "Causes & Effects" !!!!

Couple of chapters on Burping alone !!

Another cool book I was given was "How to have a smarter baby"............first thought that came to mind was....."Don't marry an Irish person"........hahahahahaha.......Mary, my Irish wife, didn't find that very funny!!

Main instruction for the first 4 weeks: Let the baby concentrate on Black and White objects. Her eyes focuses best on these colours.

(Well...her daddy's eyes couldn't agree more with a pint of GUINNESS!!! hahahaha!!)

In all honesty...she's great and really not too much trouble at all except for the screaming and shouting.

Baby Maya is great too!!! :)


anfield devotee said...

As they say in genetic engineering, half tamil tiger, half Irish republican = one seriously dangerous baby Maya. . .

ps: keep up the Irish jokes & me will read someday soon bout some poor sod who turned the keys in his beemer & KABOOOM!!!!

Jonathan said...

Congrats to you Nanda on becoming a father and becoming an Assistant Instructor!!!

All the best to you in your further undertakings...


Unknown said...

I have to agree with you on the books :)) but the first book I bought when I saw 2 lines on the test kit was Pregnancy For Dummies best book I ever bought and it's made some rounds over the last 8 years and so many better prepared first time parents :))

It's truckloads of fun and sleepless nights but nothing beats coming home to your child eh Nanda?