Sunday, August 24, 2008

What it means to stay

With all that has been happening in our Local Malaysian Political scene, a friend of mine has decided to migrate to Canada. Some of my buddies have left for the U.K, some for Australia and some to various other parts of the world where life is "so called" better.

As for me, I worked all over the world for 12 years. Sailed around the world 7 times. Worked in America, Europe, Africa, Australia, the Middle East and Asia. I've been to some of the most remote locations in the world while working as an engineer on those massive crude oil tankers.

So..what has all those places shown me????? How have all those people I've met touched my heart and my soul???

They had shown me that the world is a very small place. Problems? It's the same all over.

Money and Love

Yup...even religion, war, politics, scandals, etc, etc, all come down to these 2 simple problems.

So as for me, all I looked at was where in the world can I have these 2 elements in my life in a proper balance.

LOVE - from my wife, daughter, family and friends in MALAYSIA.
LOVE - from the variety of food in MALAYSIA.
LOVE - from the variety of pubs and bars in MALAYSIA. (Hehehehe!!)
LOVE - from the peacefulness of never ever having heard the sound on a bomb, gunshots, air raid, etc in MALAYSIA.
LOVE - from the beautiful beaches and dive locations in MALAYSIA.

MONEY - from my job in MISC Berhad that pays the bills.

So yes, for me, Malaysia still provides all that is important to me.

So as some of my buddies have said, "Malaysia is great......we just want to make it even greater!!!"

And I'm all set for that fight!!!


Anonymous said...

On "LOVE" no. 4 - I guess many of us are lucky enough that we didn't hear gun shots or bomb exploding. But that doesn't mean guns were never shot & bombs never exploded here in Malaysia.

Anyway, I just think that Malaysia is going through a period of instability. For better or for worst, no one can really tell... We can just hope (or pray or whatever) and keep our fingers crossed that things will turn out for the better!

Scorpion said...

Well said bro, but then you should also know that there are parts of the world where a person has more rights than here.
Yes, I want to leave for Canada. Yes, I've put it off for this long because I thought things would change.
No, I don't think that things would change for the better.
No, I don't think that my children would have a better life here than I did.
Rosman, put up a picture on the circle of friends, saying that he missed those days. Well I do too. The only thing is, those days are gone bro, look around and we are all racially segregated. The races only hold hands when there is a political rally. It should be more than apprent where you work.
You choose to stay, kudos to you.
My brother was racially discriminated in Australia, 4 white guys spat on him on the bus and told him to go back to where he came from. This is supposed to be the friendliest country in the world. That is why I'm not going to Australia but Canada. But think bro, there are locals that do that to the banglas and the Indians here as well.
At the end of the day, if shit hits the fan, you have a place to go. You are already guaranteed a spot in Ireland, if you choose to run. Sometimes, you have to look at what you have to lose, before you decide to fight.
Whatever I have now, I have earned. I was never given a handout, never asked for one. All I did ask for was to be treated fairly. You tell me bro, is it fair that an Indonesian that lands on our shores (yes I said our) today, will have more rights than any Indian or Chinese 5 years from today.

nanda666 said...

I'm not against people leaving. All I'm saying is that the "the grass is greener on the other side" concept may not be all that it seems.
In Malaysia, I'm not an immigrant. I'm a citizen. Yes..I may have to fight, but so did women, so did the afro-Americans, so did Black south Africans and so did Indians in India for their individual rights.
Should the "Blacks" have left America?? Should Hispanics head back to Mexico??? Migrate??? Or fight for their rights??
I'm Malaysian and so is my daughter.
Malaysia has come a long way and looking at our 51 years, she'll have a better Malaysia than we did. Why?? Because we, the Rakyat, will make it happen for the next generation!!!

anfield devotee said...

Agreed. We must fight the good fight coz this is OUR home.

Disagree. No shots or bombs? Hullo, you not following the crime wave or something mate. Sure, it ain't NYC or Baltimore but fook, reading bout assassins taking out MIC politicians in lifts, several mutilated bodies a day in some condo or another, child rrapists/kidnappers etc. Ain't the ghetto but neither is it a safe haven it was before.

Diagree. Variety of pubs. Hmmmmm. The way they are taxing alcohol, me thinks this is seriously gonna affect our ability to go out & have a good time. (Some of us are NOT on the Petronas payroll, y'know . . .)

But again, most importantly, you wanna stay & NOT fook off to Ireland.

nanda666 said...

AD: I didn't no guns or bombs...I just said that I "personally" never heard them la....haiyo!!!

anfield devotee said...

nanda, don't fooking lie. You from Klang what, surely a gun shot or two has been lepased in yer vicinity . . . to kill off the crows . . .

Anba said...

Bombs and guns ...
Altantuya...comes to mind bro..