Monday, June 09, 2008


The above photo shows a whale shark, the largest fish in the sea. A gentle giant that eats plankton and krill. (A small sea organism.)

To see it gracefully moving through the water was a sight I'll treasure for the rest of my life. The photo is from my own collection.

The leopard shark above is another harmless creature that is rarely sighted in Malaysian waters. (Don't even ask about the earlier whale shark.) I took this photo off the Similan Islands in Thailand.

I'm sorry I don't have any photos of the white tip or black tip sharks.


Those fishes are so terrified of humans that the very moment their senses detect a diver/human, they're gone!!

It's these smaller sharks that fall prey to "sick" individuals still killing them for their fins.

This a link for those who have a heart :

Hopefully you'll also find the facts below worth considering:
  • Sharks have been around for more than 400 million years
  • There are 375 shark species
  • Sharks are intelligent and can be trained
  • 100 million sharks are killed each year for their fins
  • The largest shark is the Whale shark, averaging 9 metres (30 feet) in length—the size of a large bus
  • Whale sharks are not aggressive. They eat zooplankton, small fish and squid
  • When a shark loses a tooth, a new one grows in its place
  • Mako and Blue sharks are the fastest swimming sharks
  • Sharks can take hours or even days to die after being finned
  • Sharks are a critical part of marine ecosystems

So please don't support the consumption of this "sick" soup of cruelty.


anfield devotee said...

Yup, another good conservation piece from Tuan Nanda. Wifey & meself steadfastly refused to have the dish at our wedding dinner menu.

ps: How come we hardly see you round Fer Fooks Sake these days? So busy ah, canna leave a few comments along the way?

Anba said...

Hi Mr Nanda...
i believe we should respect these apex predators more especially sharks...
eventhough i dont consume shark fin soup...but i do love shark meat especially when made into puttu...i guess need to completely stop consuming them..coz i see most of the sharks that they sell in the markets are the medium size ones...i guess thats even a bad sign...

nanda666 said...

Hey buddy...consumption of the whole shark is just like any other fish....not too great for the fish but hey...we're not the highest on the food chain for nothing, right? Yeah...I love that "sorra mein puttu" too!! hehehe!!

It's just the method of killing for the fins that is "cruel". Can you imagine if we cut a chickens' wings off and let it bleed to death just for some Buffalo wings??? That's just WRONG!!